Empresa de Servicios

Creamos soluciones

The fire door is intended to prevent the spread of fire, for a certain time, through a system that compartmentalized and allows rapid evacuation of a building. They are manufactured in different materials, but the metal are the most widespread. They are mandatory for use in the delimitations of the sectors of fire and the evacuation route and are subject to approval according to to building regulations and safety regulations.

Multipurpose metal doors are designed and manufactured to suit different applications, both in housing and in industry, warehouses, schools, public buildings, etc. They are very functional, practical, robust and refined appearance.


Hinged fire doors

Puertas cortafuegos y metalicas. Cortafuegos abatibles.


Sliding fire doors

Puertas cortafuegos y metalicas. Cortafuegos corredera.


Multipurpose metallic doors

Puertas cortafuegos y metalicas. Puertas multiusos.

Technical catalog

Puertas cortafuegos y metalicas. Catalogo técnico.